research about the material of the voynich manuscript


Methods & Findings

BARABE (2009)

Chemical analysis of paint and ink samples of the Voynich Manuscript. No resins or modern types of chemicals were identified.

"ln all probability, the ink used for the text is the same as that used for the drawings; both are iron gall inks.

ln all probability, the other three inks, the one used for the page number, the quire ink, and the ink used to write the Latin alphabet on page 1R are all different from the text drawing ink and from one another. Sample 15, the page number, is an iron gall ink ; Sample 19, the quire number, is most likely an iron gall ink of low iron content, as is Sample 20, the 'a'.

The blue paint is ground azurite.

The green paint is a mixture of copper-stained amorphous organic material optically consistent with copper resinate, and copper-chloride compounds consistent with atacamite or similar compounds. No resins were identified in the green paint.

The binding medium for all of the inks and the green paint is gum. The binder for Sample 20 is undetermined."



Identification of potential errors in radiocarbon dating with the view to evaluating the Voynich manuscript 14C data.

The animal(s) whose skins were used to make the parchment for the Voynich Manuscript were probably killed some time during the first half of the 15th century.

The Seattle raw data age estimates tend to be younger (positive offset) than the other data sets. This indicates the presence of a systematic error between data from Seattle and data from Belfast and Waikato.

ZANDBERGEN (2014-10-19)

vms quires

ZANDBERGEN (2015-06-26)

Radio-carbon dating of the VMS




Last edited on 17.03.2016